Thursday, 21 June 2012

Well it's been wet, cold and lets face it, miserable recently!  The ferns and Gunnera has loved it but the arids and summer bedding have just sulked.  Even the Colocasias, gingers, and bananas have not liked it that much because the weather has been so cool that all the moisture has not been put to much use.  Palms have seen the dreaded "spotting" especially on Chammys and butias but also trachy seedlings.  Anyway enough of this gloom, toay has been the longest day of the year and it managed exactly 10 minutes of nice sunny weather! (so I quickly took this images!!)  The ret of the daty was cold, wet and FOGGY!

Anyway here are some quick snaps from various angles.  Still have quite a bit to plant out......