Tuesday, 10 April 2012

Getting high in Eden...

Many of you will not know that I am an excellent climber.  Putting this skill to good use I scaled the Tropical Biome to take these photos.  They were taken from 50m above ground level (thats 150ish feet in old money)  The temperature in the Biome ranges from 18-30 degrees C and as hot ar rises I can assure you it was at least 30 degrees where I was! 

Anyway enjoy the views looking down on 20metre tall trees!


  1. Cool photos, Kris.

    That is certainly a perspective of Eden that I've not seen before! I like the foliage effect in photo 4.


  2. I am hopeless with heights and even looking at your pics makes my tummy turn lol!

  3. Ben the view of the Trees and palms from above was a view I have never experienced before and one I would recommend.

    Libby yes a few people turned back quickly and looked fairly shaken!

  4. I looked at that viewing platform the last time I was down at Eden and decided it was not for me. You obviously have a far better head for heights! It certainly gives a new perspective to the biome and all credit for taking some fascinating shots.
